Friday, February 24, 2006


The past 6-7 months I have experience God’s grace and forgiveness and experience His unconditional love, I have learnt that people can be really disappointed and look down on you when you fall but God always on His work in people and always give a second chance or million chances to anyone who asked of Him. As you know that God allow me to get back to ministry with Discipleship training School with YWAM Chiangmai again last fall (September05 - February 06) and we just finished this course few days ago. My leaders purpose me to be a leader of the school and they really released me to do the job the Lord appointed me to do. It was a lot of work and a lot of pressure on me, as I did not feel capable to do such a job but by God’s grace He really blessed the school so much. We had 26 students and 9 staffs and we all are so blessed by the Lord in many ways. I was also gone on one of the outreach location and we really made impact there. But for me on outreach, as a leader of the team, the Lord impressed in my heart to focus on the grown of my students in the team and leave the rest of ministry to the Lord and to how He will work through he students. And yes, he blessed the team so much we had a most unity team and the students and other staffs who went with me really supportive to everything I led and we saw the fruit of our labor as toward the end of the outreach we saw 4 people came to the Lord and 6 young Christians recommitted their lives to the Lord.
For the DTS students I was thankful to the Lord as I watched them step up to their potential in the Lord and tried things they never done before really impressed in my heart. One of my student from The Dominican Republic and she is only 18 years old, she did not have much confidence in herself especially about public speaking or teaching God’s word. She also afraid that her teammates would not accepted her and always afraid that she would do something wrong, we have been spending time together for such a time, she was in my small group that we met as a small group twice a week and I tried to meet with her one on one once a week. Then this outreach she is in my team again, she really tried her best to strive to the Lord and seek Him, and I saw such a real grown and change in her life. Each week on outreach I gave them schedule for teaching and testimony about their lives with the Lord ahead of time, as we work with the church we went to many cell groups and youth gathering so all the students in my team so many chance to teach God’s word and shared testimonies. When the time come for this particular girl to teach, I saw that she was really nervous and she really sought the Lord, the day before she taught I told her if she wasn’t ready to teach I would take her place. But the night before she spoke, I was so worry about her because I knew that she didn’t go to bed until almost 2 am the next morning, and I heard that she went to pray and asked God to show her what to say. The next morning she told me she is ready to teach and whatever she said, I felt it all from the Lord Himself. As I was translated for her I felt the presence of the Lord was there and people are so blessed with what she shared. Actually I felt the same with all of the students when they spoke, it was really shown that they really seek the Lord and I enjoy watched them grown in the Lord day by day so much. I praise God for it and thank you all who praying for me.
Next step for me, I felt the Lord is releasing me to do something difference this year. It has been exciting journey for me to follow our God and step up and take the place of leadership again. As I have a heart for the young people who is my age and under, and the past years I was encounter with many of them through working with teams and went in teaching English in their schools and reach out to the young people that way. I felt like I want to start the “Easy English Teaching Center” for people who want to improve their English. I talked to my leaders and they also felt like this kind of ministry would be very effective in Chiangmai as it is a city full of schools and universities and it is growing city that many people from the north of Thailand and from all over the country are coming in to study I felt that God has so much for this city. I also will move to short term team department as Thailand receives so many short term coming in the country and Chiangmai also one of the city that are potential and opportunity for short term teams to work. I praise God for the past that when I was able to go to places with short term teams so I have so many contacts that open for us to go in and minister with the local churches and difference non Christians schools. I felt so positive that the Lord will bless the journey ahead of me and now the Lord placed few people around me to join in this vision. I will some how join the short term teams and English center together, then we will give opportunity for them to accept Christ as their Savior. In the future we want this center to be registered to the government. We need some more prayers and financial support to start this center and please join me in this new journey the Lord is opening for me and be part of this vision. God’s willing this will start by this March. Please pray that if the Lord put in your heart to be part of this beginning, contact me by e-mail and you can help support in many ways. This ministry will combine between little business to help local Thai YWAM staffs and ministry to reach out to the people whoever the Lord leads us to and leads them to us. As I have been in YWAM for some years, I have seen the struggle that Thai YWAMers have had and still going through, even in this past DTS I have seen some of my Thai students want to serve the Lord and for sure they live by faith, but I have seen also that their faith is for their family and themselves as well. The concept of supporting missionary still not in the Thai people and the Thai churches yet, I felt this burden and passion the Lord press in my heart that I would like to business for mission that some how I would like to support the staffs that will come work with me. But to start of this ministry I need faith and I need you to join in this faith with me, and I believe when this ministry going well and we will see the Lord blessed it more in the future. If the Lord presses in your heart to help or be part of this, please obey Him and join in this exciting journey.
If God put in your heart to help with this ministry please write "YWAM" on your check and send it to Donor Service PO Box 60579 / Colorado Springs, CO 80960, USA. And in the separate paper write it is for Khanthana Khankaew serving in Thailand
I hope everything is going well with you and may God bless you wherever you are in this world. It has been an honor to serve this God and my honor to serve you as the extension to the end of the earth.

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