I want to start of by praise God for the Visa for SCHENGEN countries I got so now I am getting ready to go to Norway on the 26th and hope to visit Finland and few countries in between. I will be away from Thailand from the 26th of March - 12th of May.
Many times I wonder, "God, what is it about me?" "Why I am so difference?" Am I rebel too much or not?,No...I felt inside "I am just so difference in thinking and doing things", but I pray to God that no matter what God will have His way in me and for my life that still continue on this earth, I will follow or try my best to follow. And the path He is leading me all these years really prove that He is with me. I'm glad that He use my life even through struggle. Many times I really feel struggle of our Thai brothers and sisters that do not speak up what they think or how they feel, so that when I am the one who speak up, I got myself in big trouble.
I pray for break through, I pray for revelation for my Thai brothers and sisters in YWAM that they will see and understand how God can lead them ad use their lives much greater than me. I know I am trying to be around YWAM since 1998, that's long time hah for a Thai.... I have seen God' faithfulness and His guidance so much made me to understand that I cannot let go. And I try to testify it to others Thai around me as well, by hoping that would encourage them some way or another. When I look back my life (after last dts I got more time to do that) have seen God and God alone are playing big part in my life of leading and guiding me. I really have a heart to see more Thai Christian rise up and go out for Jesus, I believe the young people and the business people in Thailand are the keys, and I am praying how I could be involve and reaching out to them. I do not know what to say or how to explain to you through English words here...but may God search my heart and knows that this is right from Him. The reason I go to Norway, I would like to observe the work of Team Action http://www.teamaction.net/ and as I used to share with some of you about 5 years ago about Mobilization Team, going out to the Thai local churches and let them know about the opportunity they can be involve, I felt what Team Action do is really interesting. Not sure what will come out after that, but I'll see from there on. Not sure how in the world I will do so but I pray God will lead the way and open the door for me if this is really from Him. Also my heart about connecting Christian teams to local churches like what Outreach Team is doing also in my heart, but it might not limit just YWAM teams, I do not know how it would be like yet.
Please pray that the journey to Europe would be fruitful and are blessed by God. Pray that everywhere I would be able to speak would be anoint by the Holy Spirit. Pray that God will rise up people to walk along side with me in this new journey. Pray for clear direction between and after the trip would over. Thanks for joining me in prayers. And we will see great things the Lord is about to reveal.

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