This is what is going on with me. As I have been around and working with YWAM for almost 10 years.... most of the time I helped with DTS and short term teams and traveling to study YWAM classes... and all these years I can say that it was God alone who helped me and kept me going... as He has been showing me that He has called me
with a unique calling, through DTS (Colo Spgs)- SOSM (Colo Spgs)- SOTB (Tyler,TX) it was a miracle for me to attend all that classes and traveling around the world.All of that it was just like any others YWAMers - through friends who know me along the way had supported me and I really learn a lesson of faith. But deep in my heart I know there is more that the Lord wants me to pursue. The last 5 - 6 years since I have been back from the US and serve with DTS my financial support had drop to almost nothing left, even there are still some people who faithfully supporting me. So that's really make me struggling so had inside, if I should be in YWAM - to do what I love to do orgo out in the secular world to work. I have been trying to work as a tour agent and tour guide for the last few years - hoping that it would be able to help me stay in YWAM- but things not always easy for me. Some understand what I am doing some don't - that's really discouraging to me. But I know in my heart that I need to be around for little longer. As a Thai person - with a heart believing that God has called me to this mission (not sure for how long) so that 's why I still around. I felt like the Lord used SOTB(School of the Bible) to teach me and help me to know the word of God for me and for Thailand better. When I spend time with the word of God, I go so much revelation. and He confirm to me that I am also part of the Kingdom. To step out and step up with faith is something not easy for me to pursue. I have so much dreams and visions I would like to do but lack of support of knowledge and financial, it's really hinder me and many other Thais to try to pursue our calling. Last few months I heard a quote saying "It's easier for God to redirect the moving object" that's really encourage me to make a move to pursue what I felt in my heart God leading me to do without fear. Last month when I was in Norway (by the grace of God) one day when I spend time with God alone in my cabin I was on Internet and came across my friend skype quote saying "Vision without action is a day dream" that's is also confirm what I felt the Lord was speaking to me before. When I came back to Thailand I was looking around Chiangmai for a building actually I was looking for a 3 stories building- hoping to set it up to be a coffee shop on the first floor - my tour office on the 2nd floor and hope to set a 3rd floor for the short term teams to stay. But Jay & Andrea suggested me to look at the building they found, it's a 10 bed rooms with bathrooms and 2 story building. When I looked at it, I got so excited but I try not to get too excited because I know when that's happen to me I would not think.... instead I prayed and spend time with God for a week, and the 2 phrase that God spoke to me came back to me again - I felt like He confirmed to me again to believe and these 2 sentences came up over and over again. So I took a step of faith last Wednesday, went to put the deposit down for the building, without having enough money to furnished it to be a guest house. I believe that this will be a beginning of a big things God wants me to pursue. I will set up the place to be a guest house for short term teams - friends in YWAM - Chirstian friends and others. I want to provide a safe environment for people to stay. I would like it to be the Outreach Department office and the tour office, by hoping that it would be able to gain some financial benefit to maintain the building and support the staffs and ministry in the future. I need at least 3000 - 5000 $ in less than 2 weeks now to get it running, it's scary to think about it but when I heard the story of "Walking by faith" as a Thai, this things really challenge me so much right now.
Isaiah 43:18-19 is confirming to me over and over again.... the Lord is doing something new today.
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