Welcome all to the hottest month in Thailand. As some of you might have heard that April is the time when the sun is in the middle of the earth so it really make a great effect to us, who live in Thailand. It is not just the hot of the heat but many situations in Thailand really made us need God the most.
Some of you might have heard from me that, after last international DTS in Chiangmai the early of 2006, I had started to looking into business much more as I believe that God is leading me toward that direction. With the faith believe that God wants me to reach out to people in the business world more. Long story make it short…I started to look for part time job as a tour guide and took tourists around the country. As well as started to work as team coordinator for YWAM Thailand on the northern region, I really enjoy meet new people again and able to go to meet many difference people in the north as well as meet new people in the business world. I felt like I really enjoy working with them and show them who God and who Christian really is… almost two years now since I try to do both in the same time…working and serving God in YWAM… I come to understand that I really enjoy both without leaving one of the others…that's really motivate me to try to do both as my mission work.
By surprise, few months ago, my YWAM leaders in Chiangmai has purpose me to be a leader for this coming international DTS in Chiangmai again. Yes…it caught me by surprise, because I thought I would be done with DTS and started to work in a secular world and part time with YWAM more…I prayed about it and tried to spend much time asking God if this is the right thing.
Many of you might have read my news letter telling that my monthly support has gone down the hill many years ago already. That was one of the reason I had to start to step back from ministry and could not do full time in the job I loved to do with YWAM. Last few years because I started to work in the secular so I have been able to support myself…my family even my ministry. I thought to myself that may be God wants me to work in a business more and to support my fellow Thai missionaries more than me doing it…as a Thai missionary I know how struggle I have been through so I understand the situations of my Thai friends and what they have go through…that's why I had to work, it is not because I do not have enough faith…but I believe that God has called me to business world as my mission field. And I do not want the financial to be something prevents me from serving God in my country and to my people. I am really thankful to all of you who have been walking and supporting me financially all these years, because it really motivating me to rise up and do what I wish to do now.
International DTS – Chiangmai
By FAITH, I accepted the invitation from my leader to lead next bi-lingual DTS in Chiangmai, even though I don't know what would happen or if I would capable to do it or not. On thing I know is, I will not be able to go out and work as I did last year, September 2007 – February 2008, I will lead Chiangmai international DTS. The Lord has challenged me to trust in Him again in term of financial, He reminded me of the time when I went to USA and traveling to many countries in the world, he reminded me that He was the one who provided for me and all my trips. Friends, I know that many of you were part of that journey I took… again this season in my life, I need you to pray with me and walk with me another year. Even though DTS School, will start on September, but now few of my staffs and I we come together every week to pray and seek the Lord and prepare for the school. So that's mean I am not able to travel the country as a tour guide as I did last year…or if I go somewhere I have to come back to Chiangmai the day we have meetings. At this point we have DTS applications almost 10 people and we pray for them and asking God to lead in the processing of accepting students. Please keep us in your prayers, right now we have 6 Thai staff and 1 foreigner, we need more foreigners staffs and 1 more Thai man staff. Please join us in prayers and start this exciting walk with me again. Every schools in the past I was blessed to join them and it has been a big blessing to see the lives of the students changes, to see them where they began and where they are heading …it is a great joy. DTS has change thousands people lives, so I would like to invite you to join me again in this journey. And we will see God blessing pouring out to many people.
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