How many times when you pray and expecting God to answer your prayers but not sure when He will do because we know that many times His time is not our times, yes…I am one of you who do that. I praise God for all He has done and answer prayers in my life and ministry all these years. And one of the pray that I have been praying for my earthly father for a least 7 years now, that at least before he die I asked God to save him and allow him to come to know God. Not yet, but coming soon. If you know me and received my updates and walk with me many years, you would have heard many times when I request you to pray for my dad. I have no idea how to start to share with him about God. I mean few years ago he started to open his heart more to try to understand what I am doing because miracle God did with his rice field. Till last week, I have friends from New Life Church from Colorado Springs come unexpectedly and I need to find some ministry for them to do. I mean I have so many opportunities to offer but somehow I share with them my life and my dad, they are willing to go to my dad's place and serve him in the rice field as it is starting rice season now. Few days before team arrived I went to see my dad and talked with the leader of my dad village came to talked with me about taking tourists to his village because he has heard that I work with foreigners, and right now the Tourism Authority of Thailand has started to support the villages and community to open their homes for tourists to visit to learn Thai way of life. So after I heard from the team I shared with them and they agree to go. The team went in and stays in villagers homes and eats with them and works with them during the day. The first night the villagers did some cultural performance for them then the last night the team stayed there, the team were able to do dramas and share about God's forgiveness with the whole village. Because I shared with the team about how I felt my dad carry his guilt along with him all these years, so they shared the gospel at that village so clearly. I was so happy when I come to realize that that was the very first time that my dad and my relative who stay in that village were able to hear the gospel. There were no Christian in that village, no tracts has been passed out, but I remember there were teams that knew me when too visit my dad and prayed for him many times, so that he would come to know God. For any of you who read this e-mail and you have been to my dad's house before, you could start to thank God with me for the answer He starting to review. Praise God.
DTS Chiangmai Updates;
We now have 5 Females staffs and 2 males staffs, and we need 1 male 1 female foreigners and 1 Thai male staff, please continue to pray for us as now there are so many foreigners students already have application in but few Thai. Please continue to pray for us staffs; we will go to China for 2 weeks in June to visit location that we will take our students for outreach during the school. We all need about 1,000$ per person to go in there next month.
Prayers request:
* Pray for my dad, that God will speak to his heart through what he has heard last week.
* Pray for this coming DTS in Chiangmai, I need wisdom from the Lord to lead it.
* Pray for urgent need to go into China next month, I need 1,000 $ for it ( for air fare – transportation over there, food, housing)
* Pray for my monthly support so I will be able to work full time in DTS and do not need to work part time outside DTS like last few years as a DTS leader.
If God put in your heart to support me somehow, please e-mail me and let me know so I can let you know how to send me financial support.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support that carry me till today.
Your hand and feet to Thailand.
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